The largest UK social housing provider has been delivering safe and affordable homes for the most vulnerable for the past decade.
Originally created on 5th January 2015 following the merger of Jephson and Raglan housing associations, Stonewater has since grown to manage 40,000 homes for over 93,000 people.

Image: Stonewater celebrates 10 years.
This is particularly impressive given the number of individuals currently in need of social housing. The National Housing Federation reported that the most recent findings show there are half a million more families in need of such homes than there are recorded on official housing lists – this equates to 4.2 million people and 1.3 million children.
Since its establishment, Stonewater has achieved a number of goals. In summer last year the company celebrated building it’s 7,000th newly built home and expects to hit the 8,000 milestone later in 2025.
Meanwhile, Stonewater have also been successfully working towards sustainable targets after they joined forces with The Greenoak Centre of Excellence in 2023 in a bid to discuss ideas on how to hit net zero and decarbonisation goals.
Against this backdrop, Stonewater are set to launch a 10 Years, 10 Stories’ series to celebrate the company’s growth over the last decade.
‘We are excited and proud to be celebrating our 10th anniversary, and we will be taking the time to celebrate and reflect on the progress we’ve made and the impact we’ve had on the lives of customers,’ said Nicholas Harris, chief executive of Stonewater. ‘This milestone is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our colleagues, past and present, and we look forward to continuing to work towards our collective vision of everyone having the opportunity to have a place that they can call home.’
Despite this month symbolising the 10-year mark for Stonewater, the celebrations are set to continue throughout 2025 and will culminate in a series of company day roadshows in autumn.
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