
Glasgow sets out five-year plan for council

Glasgow City Council has put together a new five-year plan, with aims to address the climate emergency and the cost of living crisis at the heart of it.  

The council has also committed to reducing poverty and inequality, increase opportunities for all citizens and to ensure essential services continue to run under economic pressures. 

The Glasgow City Council Strategic Plan was approved by cabinet members last week who say Glaswegians will be able to make their voices heard and be considered in all decisions. 

city skyline across body of water during night time

Cllr Greg Hepburn, Business Manager and City Convener for Open Government, said the plan reflected shared agendas across political groups: ‘The central and agreed message of the Strategic Plan is we have to target the needs of our citizens in the best way we can. 

‘It has been developed in partnership with colleagues from across political groups so we can best find the right solutions for every Glaswegian and respond to issues as they confront our city – be that the cost-of-living crisis, the climate emergency, the impacts of Brexit and the growing need for public services. 

‘By identifying the key challenges that our city faces, we can and must work together both within the Council and with outside partners to find the right solutions and support for every city resident.’ 

The council will aim to address these four main issues over the next five years, with over 230 commitments on how council services will be used to tackle these challenges.  

These include working with partners to reduce health inequalities, launching a Climate Ready Apprenticeship Scheme to train young people in green skills and deliver around 6,500 new affordable homes across the city.  

Key missions Glasgow hopes to complete is to eliminate child poverty, improve health and wellbeing, support residents into sustainable work, deliver sustainable transport, become a net zero city by 2030, raise attainment amongst young people and run an open and well governed council.  

For the first time the council has also agreed to revisit the plan annually and update it in line with the circumstances of the time.  

Photo by Craig McKay

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