Communities and partnership organisations across West Yorkshire are being encouraged to share their experience and knowledge to help improve safety for women and girls.
The Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin, has launched the call for evidence to help shape her forthcoming Police and Crime Plan.
Formal consultation on the plan is due to begin in early September, alongside a round-table event focused on safety for women and girls.
Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin, said: ‘The safety of women and girls is of great concern to me and a key pledge at the very heart of my Mayoral manifesto. That is why I have arranged for a roundtable event on 7th September, to hear more about people’s experiences and understand how we can work better together.
‘We know this is a complex subject and there is much to be done at a national level, but we also need a local conversation now to gather our combined knowledge. I am really keen to hear from local voices on key issues such as stalking, domestic abuse, sexual offences, honour-based abuse, misogyny, modern slavery and safety in public spaces. I want to know how we can bring about the behavioural change, which will influence attitudes towards women and girls in wider society.’
West Yorkshire’s deputy mayor for policing and crime, Alison Lowe, added: ‘Our conversation will be crucial in informing the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024, which is a key document and will drive policing and partnership efforts to support women and girls over the next 3 years.
‘The vision for our work is to come together with partners including the police, local authorities, health, education, third sector, our communities’ and those supporting and advocating for women and girls across all sectors.’
Evidence can be submitted by calling 0113 348 1740 by the 17th September.
In related news, organisations across Liverpool are collaborating to tackle the safety of women and girls in the city at night.
Photo by Vonecia Carswell