The council are aiming to focus on their new build programme and meeting ‘increasing housing need’.
Members of Caerphilly County Borough Council have established their Housing Revenue Account Business Plan – a document that highlights the local authorities strategies for managing their housing stock. It is set to cover 2025/26.
One of the main areas the report focuses on is financial forecasts. In this year’s document, which can be found in full here, the council details they receive funding from the Welsh Government’s Major Repairs Allowance to help improve the standard of rented properties.
Likewise, the report also details the income from tenants’ rents which, despite an annual increase for 2025/26, remains the third lowest local authority weekly rent in the country and around 6.7% lower than the Wales average.
‘Key priorities for us over the coming year are to continue building momentum with our new build programme, to help meet ever increasing housing need, and investing in our existing stock, making homes warmer, more comfortable and cheaper to run,’ Cllr Shayne Cook, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing said. \Having a robust business plan is essential in helping us ensure we deliver these priorities, whilst at the same time continuing to deliver high-quality services for our customers.’
The new build programme was established in September 2023 and details plans to deliver 1,000 new low carbon homes within the next decade.
To give context on how needed affordable homes are in Caerphilly, separate research that was published towards the end of last year shows 218 affordable properties are required per year within the next five years. Of this, 73% need to be socially rented and 27% for intermediate housing.
Photo by Nick Russill via UnSplash
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