
New apps simplify extension application process for homeowners

Homeowners and developers will save time and money with two new apps that that speed up the processing of applications for extensions and home improvements.

The new apps were designed by three councils, with funding from the government’s Local Digital Fund, which helps local authorities implement projects that solve common local service challenges.

The apps were launched on 30 June, and are now being tested in the three involved areas, Southwark, Lambeth and Buckinghamshire.

Secretary of State for Housing, Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, said: ‘We want to speed up the planning process, to help families make improvements to their homes more quickly. These apps are a step towards a planning system that is transparent, efficient, and end-to-end digital – saving time and money for developers, architects and homeowners, and letting planners focus on the merits of applications rather than chasing paperwork.’

Many homes improvements do not need full planning permission, but the rules are complicated and often result in people submitting invalid applications for permitted developments, which wastes time and money.

The new apps hope to solve this, with the app for homeowners and developers, RIPA, using simple language and diagrams to help determine whether plans meet local and national requirements, allowing users to apply in-app for planning certificates, while the app for planning officials, BoPS, will help councils manage permitted development applications and track progress.

brown wooden ladder on blue plastic container

Rob Bristow, Lambeth’s Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability, said: ‘Around half of the planning applications we receive in Lambeth are found to be invalid – mostly because people have difficulty interpreting the complex planning requirements to make valid applications. The RIPA app will guide users through the rules, based on what they want to do and where in the borough their property is, to see whether their plans meet the requirements.

‘Along with the BoPS app, which will see a hugely improved back-end system for planners to use in their assessments, these exciting new tools will not only provide an enhanced experience for property owners, they will also enable interested parties such as neighbours to be consulted sooner, and help planning officers process applications more effectively.’

In related news, the government has overhauled permitted development rights, which will help create additional housing and save high streets, according to Neal Allcock, partner at Carter Jonas.

Photo by Brett Jordan


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[…] In related news, homeowners and developers will save time and money with two new apps that that speed up the processing of applications for extensions and home improvements. […]

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[…] In related news, homeowners and developers will save time and money with two new apps that that speed up the processing of applications for extensions and home improvements. […]

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